Friday, December 11, 2009

Okay so maybe I'm not so good at this whole blogging thing, but here is my end of semester update. This semester was the most insane, crazy, wonderful semester yet (not that there have been that many). I made the Texas State Strutters and it has been so fun to be on a drill team again. Although their technique is completely different from high school drill team it has been a challenge and enjoyable.
Some of my DZ sisters that are also Strutters

The beginning of the year ended up being way more busy than previously expected. During rush work week I got mono (not from kissing!) however I was bad and didn't take the time to just rest so of course it took forever to get over. Rush was actually a very challenging experience for me. During summer I had been working so hard on both my faith and living my life through Christ 100%, and I found it hard in that kind of environment. However once we got our WONDERFUL pledge class things started getting a lot better. Since it is my second year we are asked to take littles and give back to the Chapter and boy did God give me a wonderful gift in this experience. I found a little who is pretty much exactly like me in every single way. She is a complete goof and doesn't like to go out a lot. She has grown to be one of my best friends this semester and seeing her excitement and love for DZ reminds me of why I fell in love with my chapter last year. Oh yea,and she is a better student than me and makes me study all the time...Daddy should like that one :) Her name is Sarah Whitley...of course this led to the nicknames Big Whit/Lil Whit :p
Typical big/lil pose. This was the night of big/lil reveal
Blurry but my entire family...biggest one in the chapter

As this semester comes to an end I look forward to an incredible break and my next semester at Texas State. In the past few weeks I have been challenged in my faith greatly. My paster, Matt Chandler, had a small mass in his frontal lobe and recently gotten it removed. Throughout everything I have been really focusing on the idea that we are only here to do the Lord's work and everything else is secondary. I encourage everyone to watch the video that Matt taped a few days before his surgery. I have watched it numerous times and each time I understand the message he is sharing with us more. Everyone who knows me well knows I am crazy about my family, boyfriend, friends, and sorority, but I am learning that NONE of that is better than the Lord. This isn't anything new to me but for the first time I am fully understanding it. The Lord knows me well and knows that I am SLOWLY learning to read my Bible so he has chosen to speak to me through two songs this week.

The first one is by Brooke Fraser called Shadowfeet. My favorite dancer on SYTYCD did her solo to it this week. I have heard it many times before but never knew the title but since Tuesday I can't stop listening to it. The lyrics of the chorus are what I have been praying every night.

when the world has fallen out from under me
I'll be found in you, still standing
when the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees
when time and space are through
I'll be found in you

Another song by Carrie Underwood my best friend Morgan shared with me a few days ago. I have always been a fan of songs that have a small hidden Christian message and this one is by far the best yet.
This is our temporary home
It’s not where we belong
Windows and rooms that we’re passing through
This is just a stop on the way to where we’re going
I’m not afraid because I know
This is our temporary home

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Courage is fear that has said its prayers"

The title to this blog is extremely fitting to my activities of the day. After much talk over the past year about skydiving I followed through and did it. Can you believe it? Needless to say it was worth every penny and I am addicted. I don't even know how to describe the experience. The day started out rough because it was rainy and yucky but I didn't stay down after a prayer I went off and started packing for my journey back to San Marvelous for year 2. At about 12:30 I heard the jump was still on! THANK GOODNESS the weather cleared up and it was gorgeous by my jump time. We got to Skydive Cowtown in Rhome, Texas and it went much faster than I had imagined. Pretty much right when I got there they got me dressed and ready to go and then waited for the plane to land from the last jump. After a few interviews from their camera and my dads it was time to give hugs and get in the plane. Believe it or not now that I think about it that might have been one of the hardest parts. I knew once I was in the place it was real and backing out now. The plane ride was about 20 minutes and I spent probably 18.5 in prayer. It made me feel better once I was actually strapped to his back and secure ha. After a brief screaming in the plane they yelled DOOR and it was opened and within 2 minutes my foot was on the step and I was free-falling 10,500 ft to Earth. I will let the video I get show yall my reaction but I wish everyone would do it. It seriously is the best rush and once the parachute is pulled I was just looking at how beautiful God has made everything. So green and so perfect it was incredible. The landing was slightly rough for me cause my legs were numb from the tightness but didnt really hurt. Dad has some video hopefully I can post on here soon and my dvd should come anytime.

I wish everyone was here to share this moment. I WILL go again one day when resources are there but for now I'm just looking for my next adventure. Life has truly changed for me over the past year in ways I could never imagine. Bungee jumping, free falling from a super tall tower (I don't know how high) into a net, and skydiving. I have the adventure bug.

Wish me luck at Strutter auditions Monday and I ask that you keep me in your prayers over the next few BUSY weeks. I love you ALL and can't wait to see everyone!!!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New to this but here we go

So after a lot of thinking I decided to do a blog. I NEVER thought I would do this but I figure its an easy way to let everyone close to me know how I'm doing in such a busy lifestyle I'm in right now. Well this is mainly for when I go back to school next year but I'm in a crazy motivated mood right now so I'm getting a headstart I think I will start with a summary of my first year of college realllll fast... ha
I joined the Delta Zeta sorority at school along with the Orchesis modern dance team. I met lots of friends but 3 close ones that have just been the best I could ever ask for, Morgan, Sara and Kirstie. I started a wonderful new relationship with a longtime best friend Kyle. Long distance was tough but we stuck it out and are still doing wonderful. I made Deans List both semesters :) Second semester was quite rough. I had a hectic job that took too much out of me and spent a lot of time working instead of studying for my very tough course load. I also lost all motivation when I got the flu and bronchitis the first week of the semester. And all of you know with my asthma anything respiratory WEARS me down. I had lots of visits home and lots of fun times with my girls. Its nice to have that close group of girls again that you can go to when life gets rough.
This year I truly felt happy and at peace with lots of things for once in my life. I found an incredible church called The Village in Highland Village (near Dallas) and it has challenged me to reallly look at my decisions and actions and I'm working on making some hard changes regarding some things. I changed my major to Early Childhood Education with a Dance minor. I have some specific goals that I will share in the future but I'm very excited about. I love where I am at in life and look forward to my second year at T-State
This summer has been work and fun-filled I'm back at Tinstar for the last time. (Lets just say its not working out so well) The rest of the summer will be very exciting though. I am skydiving the last weekend in July, I'm trying out for the drill team at Texas State and if I make it I will be in San Marvelous (thats what we call it) until school and CRAZY rush stuff starts. I do ask that you will keep me in your prayers though. The past few weeks I have been getting lots of blood work and my thyroid is real off so I have a thyroid scan next week and we are praying for healthy results. I passed out at work last week and its just been very stressful and confusing as to what is going on.
I love you all so very much and appreciate all the support you have all given me. I have the best family and friends in the world and thank God every day for them.