I joined the Delta Zeta sorority at school along with the Orchesis modern dance team. I met lots of friends but 3 close ones that have just been the best I could ever ask for, Morgan, Sara and Kirstie. I started a wonderful new relationship with a longtime best friend Kyle. Long distance was tough but we stuck it out and are still doing wonderful. I made Deans List both semesters :) Second semester was quite rough. I had a hectic job that took too much out of me and spent a lot of time working instead of studying for my very tough course load. I also lost all motivation when I got the flu and bronchitis the first week of the semester. And all of you know with my asthma anything respiratory WEARS me down. I had lots of visits home and lots of fun times with my girls. Its nice to have that close group of girls again that you can go to when life gets rough.
This year I truly felt happy and at peace with lots of things for once in my life. I found an incredible church called The Village in Highland Village (near Dallas) and it has challenged me to reallly look at my decisions and actions and I'm working on making some hard changes regarding some things. I changed my major to Early Childhood Education with a Dance minor. I have some specific goals that I will share in the future but I'm very excited about. I love where I am at in life and look forward to my second year at T-State
This summer has been work and fun-filled I'm back at Tinstar for the last time. (Lets just say its not working out so well) The rest of the summer will be very exciting though. I am skydiving the last weekend in July, I'm trying out for the drill team at Texas State and if I make it I will be in San Marvelous (thats what we call it) until school and CRAZY rush stuff starts. I do ask that you will keep me in your prayers though. The past few weeks I have been getting lots of blood work and my thyroid is real off so I have a thyroid scan next week and we are praying for healthy results. I passed out at work last week and its just been very stressful and confusing as to what is going on.
I love you all so very much and appreciate all the support you have all given me. I have the best family and friends in the world and thank God every day for them.