Hey guys! So winter break is over and I have officially started my JUNIOR year of college! Its insane, I can't believe it's going by so fast! Winter break was AWESOME. It was definitely a time to reflect and rejuvenate for Spring. I worked a lot and saved pretty much every penny (let's pray I continue my saving spree). I got to spend quality time with the family, Kyle, old friends, Mr. Quinn Stagner (little boy I babysit) and his awesome mom, ... well you get the picture. The Lord is really blessing me with a true sense of energy and motivation. Already this semester I have been more serious about my body and health, school work, and spending DAILY time in the Word. He is really showing me that he wants to spend time with JUST me and He is calling me to get to know him more so that I will have the tools to be a Leader for Christ on campus and in my organizations. I just got a new book today called Crazy Love by Francis Chan that I can't wait to crack into. A friend told me about it and it really fits into where I am right now. My whole life I just had a surface level understanding and love for the Lord and it's time for me to dig deeper. It's more than just being a good and moral person, WAY more. I ask that you would pray for me that the Lord really speaks to me and opens up my eyes to what he has for me.
I'm taking 19 hours this semester and secretly I'm enjoying the challenge already. I have always been the type of person that flourishes with a busy schedule. I love it even more because most of my classes are "major" classes so I'm really beginning to learn the skills I need to be a teacher. This semester is going to be challenging in all aspects of my life but I couldn't be more happier about it!! Finally I'm kicking this procrastination thing in the butt and being productive!
I'll try to be better with updating and letting ya'll know how the semester is going!