Today I was reflecting back in my journal and I came across notes from a very powerful sermon at The Austin Stone. It was just as powerful re-reading the notes as it was hearing it for the first time and it just showed me how my heart has a tendency to run back to the things that tear me from Christ. One of the biggest quotes I wrote down was "Unless my heart is healed and SEALED for Christ, I am to remain on my own or I WILL create idols." I don't know why it is so hard for me to be obedient to that but God has been fierce in pursuing my heart. At church today Christ called me to be obedient to what he has been putting on my heart so that I can press into him without the thing that can distract me the most.
I am so thankful for Christ's faithfulness in pulling me away when my hearts tendency is so wicked and sinful.
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ" Phillipians 1:6